
Team Trivia Challenge XII
June 19, 2020 – 6.00PM
Table Tailgating
Please bring food, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages for your table.
No outside alcohol is permitted due to our liquor license,
however beer and wine will be available for purchase.
Please share these tips with your teammates ahead of time that will help explain the game.
Doors will open at 5:00 for a 6:00 start!
- Please inform your team members of your TEAM NAME ahead of time to help with checking in at the event for table assignment.
- Teams can have a MAXIMUM of 8 players. Tables with more than eight will be disqualified.
- There will be ten rounds with ten questions each. Your table can purchase and use a MAXIMUM of ten Mulligan’s as “freebie” answers. (This means you cannot “borrow” Mulligan’s from another table.) Mulligans are $5.00 each and must be purchased prior to the round in which they are used. You may use your Mulligan’s at your discretion. They must be turned in with your answer sheet. Should a tie breaker be necessary, no Mulligan’s can be used during that round.
- No outside references OF ANY KIND may be used. This includes cellphones, tablets, any other electronic devices or printed materials of any kind. (Please note this is not a complete list and the judges have the final word on the enforcement of the rules). If you must take a phone call, please leave the table immediately. If you leave in the middle of a round to take a call, you will not be permitted back to your table until the round is complete and answer sheets have been picked up.
- You will have 30 seconds between questions before the emcee moves onto the next question. However you will have the entire round to answer all ten questions for that round. At the end of each round, you will have three minutes to turn in your answer sheet to your table monitor. If your table does not get the answer sheet in on time, the judges can refuse your answer sheet, resulting in no points for that round.
- Grammatical and spelling errors will be permitted as long as the judges can read and understand your answer. The point to remember here is that the judges have the final word on whether responses are correct or incorrect. Please note that there is a predetermined answer.
- Please be sure to mark your answer sheet with your table’s number and round number. It is at the sole discretion of the judges to award points to tables that improperly mark their response sheets.
- HAVE FUN! It is a competition, but remember we’re here to help raise money for Chula Vista Sunrise Rotary’s Community Benefit Fund. Uniforms are encouraged if you want to show your team spirit!